Would the Old Firm leaving the SPL be good for the rest of the SPL

Sunday 25 October 2009

Rangers stagnation

If you follow the SPL and Scottish teams in Europe you will have realised this a long time ago, however Walter Smith has came out and said there is a state of stagnation at Ibrox. Speaking in an interview to the BBC he reveals some information about the club which the chairman has been strongly denying, that the club is under the control of the banks. The debt it Ibrox is reportedly in the region of £25 million, which wouldn't be impossible to manage if the Rangers fans were to support their team as they have done in years gone by. However poor performance, confusing tactics and an ever-shrinking amount of talent in the squad (the cynic in me would also suggest that it is because they are not winning games)  have left Rangers fans staying away from Ibrox on match days. Smith commented on the reason why he was unable to enter the transfer market prior to the season "Now the bank have taken over the running of the club. They'll have their own ideas and obviously investment isn't one of them,"
With David Murray having stepped down, there appears to be a complete lack of leadership at Ibrox and I  am sure most Rangers fans will be hoping that a buyer will be found for their club soon.

Other press reports have Walter Smith stating that Scottish football is in "meltdown" which obviously is a RFC deflecting technique. Every time one of the old firm have a bad result or two, it is the rest of Scottish footballs fault, never anything to do with themselves. I think the next year or two will be a very interesting time for both sides of the old firm, both squads/clubs are obviously in decline and one of the rest could very well split or possibly even top the old firm. Now the results are not all going their way I would imagine attendances will drop as the glory hunters that bloat their support will float away as easily as they came. Not that I get any particular joy out of this situation, but it does level the playing field somewhat, a well placed club or two could profit massively from this old firm blunder series.

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